Black Head Beach
Black Head Beach gives visitors a range of options; a beach walk, bush walk, fish and chips and access to Nine Mile Beach.

The day, this writer visited the Black Head Beach it was covered in seaweed, and as you can see seagulls, and this has its own beauty. Many other times this beach has been crystal clear.

Seagulls have their own beauty and if you study them they are actually amusing.

The beach has another little gem; a lagoon and picnic spot. Choose to bring your own picnic or order fish and chips at the local takeaway.

As with most beaches on the Mid North Coast, Black Head has the combination of interesting hills and clear water.

Apart from the beach, there is also a lovely bushwalk next to the caravan park. You will see a beach entry/exit halfway along the beach and it is a lovely 400 metre walk.

Black Head Beach is a popular tourist destination in NSW.
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